Managed website hosting bundle
$239.00 – $799.00
No matter what your web projects are, no matter how complex it is, let us manage them for you. With priority support and superior technical expertise, we will setup and get your website, ecommerce, or any kind of web project up and running, fully managed by us. Check the description for full details of what we offer.
This product includes:
- WordPress installation and maintenance
- Plugin and theme installation and maintenance
- E-commerce (WooCommerce) set-up and tuning
- Payment gateway set-up and assistance
- Performance tuning
- On-site SEO setup and tuning
- Server-level caching setup
We will maintain and manage your publishing and e-commerce platform for you, including maintenance and updates. You only have to think about creating your corporate website, adding your content, and managing product inventory.
Thinking if other services can offer more than this package? We are one of the most qualified managed hosting service providers working from Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati. The cost of our package and the quality and experience of our sysadmins can challenge any other managed hosting providers. If you do a quick cost comparison with other top quality providers v.s. us, the savings can go up to 50% per year with us for top of the line server infrastructure, best in-class sysadmins and priority support. You can go ahead and BUY THIS PACKAGE NOW.
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